Remo+ was selected for Google Developers Launchpad

Remo+ was selected for Google Developers Launchpad


RemoCam was selected to participate in Google Developers Launchpad. What is Google Developers Launchpad, you ask. Here is what Google has to say about itself:


Our mission is to provide you [in this case, us, Remocam] with the technology, events, online resources, expertise and community necessary to launch and scale successful apps.



Well, all of that sounds great for the company, but why does this matter to our Remo+ customers? Participating in Google Developers Launchpad will help improve the RemoCam app.

A team of Google experts and other 3rd party experts (UserTesting) will review our UX and give us feedback for improvement. Our team of developers will use this feedback to update our app, bringing our customers the best app possible.

Remo+ developers work round-the-clock to incorporate users’ feedback into our app and firmware updates. You can read about how we recently upgraded our camera’s brightness and light balance here. Participating in Google Developers Launchpad is another way we can improve our app and user experience.

We’re committing to bringing our users the best products and services available, so we are thrilled to announce that we are participating in Google Developers Launchpad. We look forward to all of Google’s feedback, app testing, late nights and hard work that’s in store for us at Remocam




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