Help | RemoCam – Page 7 – Remo+

Help | RemoCam

Reset RemoCam


Disconnect RemoCam from the power cord Reconnect RemoCam to the power cord Hold the 'Reset' button (located on the bottom of RemoCam) for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, release the reset button RemoCam will say 'Welcome to RemoCam' when it is reset (this may take a minute) Once your RemoCam is reset, you will need to delete the camera from your account, then re-add the camera

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Change the Wi-Fi RemoCam is Using


In order to change the Wi-Fi that your camera is using, you will need to delete and reset the camera from your account, then re-add the camera using the new Wi-Fi. If you have changed your home's Wi-Fi, or if your Wi-Fi's name or password has changed, you will need to complete these steps to connect RemoCam to your updated Wi-Fi.

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Edit Remote Devices & Commands


Remote Devices Adding a Device From the Home Screen, select the camera that you want to add the device to (swipe the live feed right or left with your finger and stop on the correct camera) 1. Press 'Settings' 2. On the top of the page, select ‘Remote’.

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Edit Viewers & Cameras

Viewers Adding Viewers Adding viewers is simple. All it takes is logging onto the account from a different smartphone, and the viewer will automatically be added. Currently, RemoCam can support up to 5 viewers per account. If you have 5 viewers and you want to add a new viewer, you will need to delete an existing viewer before you can add another.

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Watch Live Feed


From the Home Screen, press the 'Play' button on the live feed located on the top of the screen. To switch between your cameras, swipe the live feed right or left with your finger. To watch the video on full screen, turn your camera on its side and the feed will automatically go to full screen. Make sure your smartphone's screen orientation is unlocked.

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