4 Tips That’ll Make You a RemoBell connoisseur
Congratulations! You are an individual who surely cares about reliable home security- the RemoBell is the most dependable security doorbell that you can find, but you didn’t need me to know that. You’re probably using it right now – checking when your packages arrive, talking to with your guests, or seeing if someone is trying to play games with your home.Well, I hope you’re enjoying your RemoBell.
Hopefully, you felt more at peace with your doorbell installed. However, the reason you came to this article wasn’t to learn about how you’re enjoying the heck out of your doorbell right? It was to find those little tips that will enhance your RemoBell experience. Well, here are 4 things you need to know that will take you from a RemoBell user to a RemoBell connoisseur
1.Recharge your batteries.
When you received your RemoBell, it came with 6AA rechargeable batteries. If you haven’t already, you need to buy 6 more AA batteries and a battery charger. This way, you can switch between the two sets of battery, and, basically, never worry about charging your device. Other battery operated surveillance system are gonna make you wait days for it to fully charge. You want to know what that is — time your home is not protected. Protect your home at all time.
We recommend the EBL AA Battery Charger
2.Adjust your motion setting
With every home, the environment is always different. If you live in the city, there’s always cars and pedestrians passing by. If you live in the suburbs, it’s more calmer and less movement around the area. Depending on where you live, you probably want to change motion settings accordingly.
Don’t be flanked with notifications on your phone; just, adjust your motion so you get the calls that actually matter.
Here is a how to guide on How to set up your motion.
3.Don’t drill… tape it
The beauty that comes with the RemoBell is that you can place the doorbell wherever you want. Because it is battery powered, there are no limitations to where you could mount it. However, a stumbling block could be that you cannot drill a certain part of your home, like the door or your garage. There are adhesive mounting tape that works like a charm, and trust me – it’s strong. You can place the tape on the back of your bracket then take the safety strip off the tape to attach it to your wall. Whether it’s the garage, your backyard, or your gate, be flexible on where you mount the camera.
We recommend the Exterior Scotch Mounting Tape
4. Extend your WiFi range
Every Wi-Fi enabled device has an issue when they are too far from the router. Whether it is your laptop or your phone, if it’s too far from the Wi-Fi, you won’t get a stable connection. The RemoBell reacts the same way. However, you can improve your Wi-Fi by getting an extender. A Wi-Fi extender is a plug in antenna that boosts the range of your network connection; so, if you place the DoorBell by the gate of fence, it will cover further lengths of your home.
We Recommend the TP-Link AC12000
Let us Know
If you would like to share other tips you’ve found with the RemoBell, make sure to leave it on the comment section below. If you have cool videos that you’ve recorded with your RemoBell, don’t hesitate to send it over to us at marketing@olivendove.com. Remember to also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin!